Saturday, February 9, 2013

Anti Gun people can NOT dispute this Video

All the heavy hitters that advocate for second Amendment freedom are smashing the anti gun propaganda. Also I have added Locale News clips that show people defending themselves with guns. Funny how the mainstream media never shows you people using the second Amendment the way it was intended.


  1. You know, I don't know who to believe anymore!Thank the Lord I have the bible to believe in. To listen to that LIMEY Piers Morgan is UNBELIEVABLE!!! Seriously, when are people going to WAKE-THE HELL UP?

    1. Then don't believe in anything. The first step to truly being awake is not to accept people's words for anything, but to go where the evidence and information lead you. Trust your intuition. If the answers you receive are not satisfactory, then investigate more or shelve it until new information comes along. That even applies to religion and spirituality.

  2. If this English "twit" Piers Morgan doesn't like our U. S. Constitution's 2nd Amendment or the "overpaid" salary he's collected for judging "America's got Talent", and then parlayed that into his own ridiculous TV show,...then let him return to "jolly old England" where he belongs, although I'm told he left because he was being prosecuted for computer hacking and escaped British justice for America's shores,....just like hundreds of thousands of his ancestors who thought our Second Amendment was "just peachy". Go home Piers, we're tired of your alien rhetoric already.
