Saturday, February 9, 2013

Mike Rivero : Global Warming and The Mega Snow Storm

Sheeple of today need to be controlled by fear. Fear for terrorism. Fear for climate chance. Fear for assault weapons. Fear for the breakdown of system relevant banks... That works well, you only need to control the media and the scientific magazines.The LA cop who allegedly shot people (cops and their families) wrote his manifest on Facebook, a number one tool of the CIA. So can we really trust that all or part of the manifest is real?The shooter has a 50cal as reported,it would seem his desire for people to be disarmed is a contradiction to his own actions.This could be yet another manipulated story and fact finding adventure for everyone concerned.I personally believe he stood his ground for his beliefs and morals.Peace.

1 comment:

  1. When Global warming was found out to be the fraud it is much to the chagrin of the likes of Gore and the UN paid scientists,it's name was changed to "climate change" as you say to "scare" the people. I live in Australia and our Government against the will of the people had a carbon tax introduced. Can you believe a country with enough coal and natural gas to power itself cheaply for eons is now one of the dearest countries in the world to live. Why? because we are going to save the world by taxing Carbon Dioxide emissions.It is laughable at best but we get the chance to kick out our UN puppet Government this year and Al Gore can f%@# his carbon trading get rich scheme because that is what this is really about, Banksters,UN and corrupt Governments rorting and controlling the people.Watch out America Uncle Barry is going to do it to you.
