Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Vatican celebrates Knights of Malta's 900 years

Its This (Revived Templar Order) that created The Federal Reserve together with Scottish Rite Freemasonry , The Knighthoods present the York Rite ! Yes there are Masonic Labour Zionists in the Order but are ALL Controlled by The Jesuit Order and that is NOT ran by Zionists !, Top of The banking System , The FED just prints money and causes inflation WORLDWIDE ! They also created Israel , The United Nations , all the intelligent agency's had a major role in the worldwars and many many more. The Knights of Malta are commanded by The Equestrian Order of the holy sepulchre in Jerusalem and The Society of Jesus.

This documentary shows who and what the Knights of Malta are and their objectives. Links to the Knights Templar and other secret societies are noted which focus on Rome as the great controler. This is an evil organization that is assisting in the New World Order. See the Total Onslaught videos for more information on their inclusion into the big picture.

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