Monday, February 4, 2013

CNN - WWIII Is Going To Happen in 2013 - Economic Collapse.

I believe that we are at war now it's just that main stream media doesn't say much. Israel/Syria/Iran conflict, India/Pakistan, China/Japan, usa/middle east, south Korea/north Korea/ Egypt/Turkey, Greece and Spain economic collapse, USA BANKRUPT, EURO FALLING, food prices rising, gun bans. enough said.


  1. Logic and reasoning is now needed. All I hear is nuclear war well let me tell you that is not the plan for it would be a no win situation but if a nuclear bomb or bombs were set off high enough and an EMP was produced it could make a nation go back in time say 100 years and fight with sticks and stones and bows and arrows. For all technology would be lost and most of the world would die. Now that is a perfect world for the Elite. They would control which countries would be affected and which would not producing the wanted 500 million easily.

    1. You are thinking of technology in the wrong way. Don't hate on me for saying this, but there was technology when humans started walking the eath. It is just something that helps you move forward. Thousands of years ago, people stopped fighting with sticks and stones. People didn't use sticks and stones over 4000 years ago. Heck, they actually had swords, shields, and many other devices that helped them advance. 100 years ago, people weren't fighting with bows and arrows. They had guns before the Revolutionary War, which was almost 237 years ago. I'm sorry for going on a rant, but your statement was incorrect. Please actually have proof to back up your statement. The dinosaurs only got wiped out about 65 million years ago, so there couldn't have been humans on Earth until a few milion years after. BACK UP YOUR STATEMENTS! THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE ME WASTE FIVE MINUTES OF MY TIME CORRECTING PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!! SORRY!!!!

  2. EMP will not shut down my AR

  3. There is no doubt that we are all watching the Terminal decline of a corrupt financial, political, and religious system. The scenario's that will take it to its apocalyptic conclusion are many. One mans prediction of events is no better than anothers, it just makes for interesting insight into how others see world events unfolding. One thing is for sure, it is ALL going, the how, the when, is looked upon with anticipation to the discerning. There is something we can do, and that is to prepare to try and survive as best as we know how as regards how our own personal situation permits us. The probabilities and possibilities are as numerous as the grains of sand, who can hope to take into consideration all that is this world and its myriad of problems that are sweeping the globe like a tsunami.
