Monday, February 4, 2013


Ted Nugent Attacks Piers Morgan in Gun Rights Interview: Will You Leave Us The Hell Alone? - 2/4/13

2/4/13 - When Ted Nugent sat down with Piers Morgan in Texas tonight, he delivered the CNN host his most explosive interview since last month's showdown with Alex Jones. Morgan began by asking Nugent to explain to him, "in the least inflammatory way possible" why Americans need the AR-15 assault rifle. When Nugent began talking about the millions of Americans who own guns and have "never caused a problem, never had an accident and will never commit a crime," Morgan responded by listing off the number of gun murders and suicides each year in this country. "Do you care about murders?" Nugent asked. "Or do you only care about about murders with guns?" Morgan answered, "I care about all death." "I don't think you do," Nugent shot back. "I think you care about guns. You're obsessed with guns." He then went off on a tear that summed up his and many other gun advocates' position: "99.99% of the gun owners of America are wonderful people that you are hanging around with here today. Perfectly safe. Perfectly harmless. Wonderful, loving, generous, giving, caring people. Would you leave us the hell alone? Go after the nut jobs, go after the murderers, because I don't know any. We need to lock up the bad guys and when people show dangerous, murderous intent, which everyone one of these mass murderers showed — all their neighbors, their family, their teachers, their fellow students, they all knew they were crazy but, Piers, we didn't stop them because we're worried about hurting their feelings. We have a mad man problem in America... let's focus on that and leave the rest of us alone." When Nugent was done, Morgan told me, "I won't leave you alone because there's a debate that needs to be had." After a break, he asked Nugent to respond specifically to President Obama's gun proposals. Nugent proceeded to slam the "scammer-in-chief" on everything from Benghazi to Egypt, saying he was re-elected by a "clueless majority." "I don't agree with President Obama on any of this." Asked if he thinks America will be safer now that semi-automatic guns and ammo are flying off the shelves in places like Texas, Nugent said "Absolutely. An armed society is a polite society." And when Morgan brought up that Nugent already accepts some limits to the second amendment by accepting that he cannot have an "armored tank" outside his house, Nugent responded, "Are you sure about that?"


  1. Piers Morgan is ruining his career by continuing to focus on gun control and being confrontational with the biggest advocates of the right to bear arms.

  2. Piers gets owned yet again!

  3. I am a gun owner. However ted nugent to me is a big racist.The man knows how to shoot animals, but stuffs their heads in his living room. HE has no sense of compassion, and caring things he brags about. He's probably a borderline alcholic, which has never travelled abroad to see their is a world besides his crazy little bubble world out there. HE would probably approved of jfk and assasination in his heart, that's why the secret service had to give him alittle lecture, beause of all the toxicity and venom he spreads. he is a man with out a soul

  4. Pier was never born with a second ammendment,he will never understand that freedom. Someone finally told Pier to shut his pie hole up!!He wouldnt let people finish what they were saying.GOOD JOB TED!!!!!
    Pier,your just a POSTER BOY
