Monday, February 4, 2013

Donald Trump Officially Suing Bill Maher for not Paying 5 Million on Bet

2/4/13 - The bet/feud between the two, you may recall, stemmed from Maher's appearance on Jay Leno's show, when he said he would give Trump $5 million to give to a charity of his choice if Trump proved he was not the "spawn" of an orangutan. This, of course, was a spoof pegged off Trump's $5 million offer to Obama. Well, Trump released his birth certificate (literally noting he is not the son of an orangutan), demanding Maher pay up — later threatening to sue. On Monday morning, he told Fox & Friends that he does plan to sue Maher, around noon today.

"He promised me $5 million for charity if I provided certain information," Trump said. "Well I provided the information. He didn't pay. So today I sue Bill Maher for $5 million for charity."

"I accepted the offer immediately, and he didn't come through with the $5 million," he added.

And while some may argue Maher was joking, Trump begged to differ.

"I don't think he was joking. He said it with venom," Trump said. "That was venom. That wasn't a joke. In fact he was nervous when he said it. It was a pathetic delivery."

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to "The Donald"....Maher has long been in dire need of a comeuppance...
