Wednesday, March 13, 2013

America accuses China of Cyber Security Attacks

China has been doing this for a very very long time, and they are getting better at it. It used to be the Soviets that was the big problem, but the Russians have taken a back seat to the Chinese. I can recall over ten years ago I set up a network sniffer in my private home network, I'd get ten or more port probes that I traced back to China daily. That was over ten years ago. Today, If I set up my network sniffer, I will log over 200 attempts That I can back trace to China.

China has offered to help the United States combat cyber terrorism, which has been identified as the top security threat for the US. The White House has accused Chinese hackers of attacking the country's interests. On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama will meet with corporate leaders in the White House's Situation Room to discuss efforts to improve cyber security in private industries. He seeks to gain input from CEOs on how the government and the private sector can best work together to reach this goal. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher report from Washington.

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