Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sell the Vatican, Feed the World

Vulture Capitalists, Pope Smoke, $tudent Debt Bubble, NYPD & Kimani Gray

The Federal Reserve has been holding interest rates on the floor for eons, they're pushing a cheap credit scheme Abby. 2) Predatory loans assume that the borrower was duped. Unless they were legitimately duped & terms of the contract were violated, that's no more than a emotionally-charged smear/talking point. If the borrower defaults, what does the bank gain 3) Why do you think colleges continue to raise tuition? They know the govt is continually subsidizing these loans
Vulture Capitalists, Pope Smoke, $tudent Debt Bubble, NYPD & Kimani Gray : On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin calls out the corporate press for their round-the-clock coverage of 'pope smoke' whilst neglecting the Guantanamo hunger strikers, and the DHS buying 1.6 billon rounds of ammunition. Abby then talks to Pete Eyre, from Cop Block, about the NYPD's involvement in the death of a Kimani Gray and their egregious overstepping of civil liberties. Abby then talks to Michael Dannenberg, of Education Trust, about the trillion-dollar student debt bubble. BTS wraps up the show with a look at Charles and David Koch's financial empire & the extent of their influence in the corporate takeover of America.

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