Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking California Starts Gun confiscation state wide!

Breaking California Start's Gun confiscation state wide!


Armed Pilots = Safer Planes (No hijackings since 9/11) From 1970-1990 there were (2) mass shootings at schools, consisting of three or more homicides by an assailant. Then the Gun Free School Zones Act was passed in 1990. Since 1990, there have been (19) mass shootings at schools, consisting of three or more homicides by an assailant. Help save our children; allow teachers to carry concealed again! Armed Teachers = Safer Classrooms (No mass shootings since ) ...the globalists are manipulating everything around here, the guns will be taken away, then what ?, a matrix with RFid chips and no way out of a global enslavement...600 FEMA camps in the country on standby ready for inmates .


  1. I think we should be able to have guns, but that people with mental problems should not be able to have guns. Felons for non-violent crimes, like weed-related crime, should be able to arm themselves. But mentally ill people? You don't even know what to say? They're taking guns away from nut jobs. What's wrong with that?

  2. Not just nut jobs,...everyone.!!
