Thursday, March 21, 2013

Anonymous: Martial Law is imminent March 23, 2013 , Are you Ready?

Anonymous: March 23, 2013 Martial Law is imminent
23 march = 233 = Skull and Bones. Imagine the power they will have once they crush any opposition, they will have no-one to answer to. You guys are fucked . Sorry . You need to remove the entire government to stop this , so short of a military coup it's never going to happen . Your government is so corrupted and psychopathic it is simply terrifying... for the whole world . Truly the enemies of humanity. If all men stood together anything is possible , but ignorance is rife.


  1. What a bunch of BS - these morons have been predicting martial law since the 1990's...when did it ever happen? Do these people have any idea how difficult it is to implement a nation wide order like that?
    Don't count on any martial laws any time soon.

  2. You poor sucker...You haven't even got to the denial state let
    along anger! You probably think the drones and Monsanto are
    great as well!!!

  3. Ha...yeah this guy probably buys GMO's as his preferred breakky cereal....geez is there any hope?????????
