Thursday, March 21, 2013

FALSE FLAG WATCH 22 March 2013 Is A Good Day For Bad News

Something Big Soon – 322 – Olympus Has Fallen - I don't know what to believe. An order for explosives too? Along with N. Korea's threats & the Olympus Has Fallen movie and all of the symbolism associated with 3/22. the new movie Olympus Has Fallen that's coming out tomorrow 3/22? What the hell is up with that?? It's about an Asian terrorist on the inside who kidnaps the president within the White House itself and there's a lot of planes firing on the White House & it's on fire!! What the hell are they trying to tell us? What the hell are they trying to encourage? Or is the movie the smokescreen to keep us from seeing something more sinister?? What do we all do when the Internet goes out? Only those in survival communities will be in good shape?

(CNN) -- The North Korean military issued a fresh burst of ominous rhetoric Thursday, warning that U.S. bases in Guam and Japan are within its "striking range."

The statement from the Supreme Command of the Korean People's Army, carried by the North's state-run news agency, follows the announcement by the United States this week that its B-52 bombers were making flights over South Korea as part of annual military exercises.


  1. you are too paranoid. take a chill pill. you probably look at all this stuff everyday and you are now so engulfed in this stuff that you feel something big is going to happen.

  2. Anonymous-I've got news for you-SOMETHING BIG IS ALREADY HAPPENING!!! Geez, where have you been? What's going on in Cyprus will come here, it's just a matter of time. Maybe not to the extent of Cyprus, but the government is already trying to take "Pensions," "401K's", "IRA's", etc...My Pension is in jeopardy as I type this.
