Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mike Rivero ~ The Solution For Cyprus is Iceland

Why is every body so surprised that the banksters are stealing our money,it has been said that he who controls the money supply rules the world,the banksters can do what they like when they like,it is mandatory that you leave as little as possible in your bank account just enough for your day to day needs,there is a massive financial storm coming our way,be prepared,Cyprus is only the tip of the iceberg!!!

1 comment:

  1. This banking colaspe might just signal the beginning of the end of the Rothchild banking system that very well might be the Deadly wound to the one world government spoken of in Rev. 13:3 were sure getting closer to that time every day. Visit ShepherdsChapel n give a listen to Pastor Murray might just save you from the big deception soon to be on earth when Rev. 12:6-12 comes at the 6th Seal 6th Trump n the 6th Vial(Gods Wrath)poured out. Thats when satan is cast from Heaven to earth Claiming to be Jesus.
