Monday, January 7, 2013

2012-2013 Prophecies fulfilled

It's not about waking up. A person chooses to remain in the darkness, because the darkness is where evil deeds are covered up. The evidence of evil which has penetrated the world and its people (hopefully) will cause some to seek the Light,Prophecies are being fulfilled, But God tells you to not fear, he also tells you to be still and know that I AM GOD. Allow all the things that you are about to see, as confirmation to the truth.


  1. Lets ask ourselves to consider all possibilities on this subject. What is causing these prophecies to come about. Before we decide, lets look at a video. Go to YouTube and type in: "illumicorp Illuminati Secret Training Video Revealed. Every goal it states is occuring. It says that Illimunicorp is causing what appears to be end time prophecies in order to trick believers. Revelations says "Even the elect shall be deceived". Don't be deceived. First they need to disarm us.

  2. it is quite possible that there is indeed an alignment of galaxies on our space region, this can distort smaller galaxies around very large ones. as for planet earth it looks as if the electromagnetism has increase causing small distortions on our neural electromagnetic fields. this however is not negative as it can enhance our perception. our financial realm is quite wacko, and is probably related to neural distortion as elites and even folks become stress and sometimes even excited, this electromagnetism can create as well temporal hallucinations, people might get short visions of objects and events.
