Monday, January 7, 2013

Anonymous Leaks Chilling Video in Case of Alleged Steubenville Rape, Cover-Up

While Americans continue to believe Islam oppresses woman, here is what they do in their free country: the local football team tours the town while carrying around a 16 year old girl who is so drunk and drugged out she is to as "the dead girl", while they continuously rape her as they drag her from house to house "sharing" her with friends and teammates. They feel the raping is so hilarious that they take pictures and video if if only to later dread it around on twitter and Facebook. - We turn to Steubenville, Ohio, where members of a high school football team allegedly raped an underage girl and possibly urinated on her unconscious body over the course of an evening of partying in late August. The young men chronicled their actions on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. But after many in the town of Steubenville, including the high school football coach, rallied to the players' defense, the hacker group "Anonymous" vowed to release the accused players' personal information unless an apology was made. Anonymous has since released a video showing a male Steubenville high schooler joking about the alleged victim. We're joined by three guests: Monika Johnson Hostler, president of the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence; Kristen Gwynne, an associate editor at Alternet; and "X", a member of the hacktivist group Anonymous using a pseudonym.

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  1. No shock to me its just TNB.

  2. Culture of Corruption.

    Years ago, the FBI could be brought into the situation to investigate but America is so far gone that is unlikely.
