Monday, January 7, 2013

Alex Jones Destroys Peirs Morgan of CNN about Guns Control

I don't understand how our rights are being challenged by these elected government  officials! It's unconstitutional! We are not "gun loving bastards' we are Constitutional loving Americans! The 2nd Amendment is the right is that I have the right to arms. The government shall not infringe on that, Period!


  1. Do we band using electricity if someone dies while repairing an electrical line or an appliance?

  2. bravo alex!! for putting this red coat in his place! go home piers! and stay there! you are disgusting ! as is your british heritage! and morbid history throughout the centuries! you are a nwo puppet and nothing more!

  3. As expected Alex made great points but he lost his cool n started his usual ranting, although quite factual ranting he fell into piers's hands by letting deshowitz n two kennedy guys characterize his rants as some raging nut. It didn't help that he mocked his accent either. Sure he knew piers was going to try n lead discussion where he wanted but alex should have known better. Piers did try it with sheriff arpaio and was not happy that the sheriff was arming his possee with rifles n ended that interviews quite sourly but Alex should have known better.

  4. The devil eventually goes so far that he reveals himself. He knows no boundaries. Now again he shows his hand. If something happens to Alex Jones, we will know who is behind it.

  5. oh dear Alex that was embarrasing. I enjoy your tv/radio shows and support a majority of your views with respect to NWO and how we are controlled by a minority "elite". But please try and behave like a professional rational person, you came across as a ranting slightly mad bully, which can only harm your overall admirable cause. I am a "Brit" who fully supports the 2nd Amendment and your right to bear arms and protect yourself. My main question is: why cant the govt or gun lobby ensure that guns are sold responsibly and with proper controls? To buy a hand gun or shot gun to protect yourself or family is one thing but to allow sale of semi automatic/military style weapons to be sold to young people with out proper regulation and back ground checking is irresponsible madness. Alex I admire your enthusiasm and comittment to the cause but please act calmly, dont insult your host and get your message across with intellectual debate backed up by facts, otherwise your message will be lost to the millions of people who need to hear the truth.

    1. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT ALEX DID , he brought more ATTENTION to this SUBJECT then ANY ONE , you are linear and NOT ANONYMOUS at ALL a MISS-INFORMANT

      got the point

    2. Well said. :) Alex is nothing but a paranoid child who cannot behave like a normal person. Especially when he is asked the questions he doesn't know the answer for.

  6. Alex approached piers and his predictable calculated scripted questions in the manner that it deserves.. Theres no need to try and be cool and be presentable for the sake of what is left of America.

  7. China and Russia want America disarmed. Why?

    1. RUSSIA and AMERICA have a SECRET space program behind the CORTNEY they work for same MASTER
