Monday, January 7, 2013

National Debt Made Easy

Money is a Physical Manifestation of an Abstract Concept - it's a Tally Chart of Human Effort. Without this record-keeper, some in society will work too hard, and others - not at all.Money is a human abstraction. Until people realize it's not real they'll continue to believe in it.

U.S. Tax Revenue: $2,400,000,000,000
Federal Budget: $3,540,000,000,000
New Debt: $1,140,000,000,000
National Debt: $16,471,000,000,000
Unfunded Liabilities: $122,176,871,000,000

Let's now remove 8 zeros and pretend it's a household budget:

Annual family income: $24,000
Money the family spent: $35,400
New debt on the credit card: $11,400
Outstanding balance on the credit card: $164,710
Mortgage balance: $1,221,768

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